Additional Required Forms
The following Admission Forms are required to complete, and submitted along with the Application by each student* for every academic year.
Please bring or email the filled-out forms to Neo Immersion Montessori no later than school start date. Contact Us, if you have any further questions.
LIC 627 - Consent For Emergency Medical Treatment - Child Care Centers Or Family Child Care Homes
LIC 700 - Identification And Emergency Information Child Care Centers/Family Child Care Homes
LIC 701 - Physician's Report - Child Care Centers (Child's Pre-Admission Health Evaluation
LIC 702 - Child's Pre-Admission Health History Parent's Repor
PM 286 - California School Immunization Record (ask NIMS Staff or print on a blue card)
CNP-925 - Medical Statement to Request Special Meals and/or Accommodations
CACFP 11 - Parent/ Guardian's Form for Declining Participation in the Child Care Food Program
*Enrollment Contracts and Parent Handbook will be provided to new students upon acceptance with Administrator at NIMS.